Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Michael F Burgio

                 Michael Burgio

Raised in Brooklyn, New York, of an Italian Immigrant Family.

Founder and CEO of Burgio Enterprises & Burgio Medical Research.


B.S. Physics City College of New York 1973:
M.S. New York University 1976:
Major, Physics: Major, Electrophysiology:
Advanced Studies Cardiac Surgery:
Three years Advanced Studies with, Dr. Michael DeBakey:
Member of Dr. DeBakey’s Open Heart Team for the following Eight Years:
Personally Developed New Surgical Procedure to, Re-Starting the Heart after
Open Heart Surgery: 

Invited to Lecture major teaching hospitals Europe, North and South America:

Open Heart Surgery & Surgical Procedure to, Re-Starting the Heart after Open Heart Surgery:

Hospital:  C.C.U.  S.I.C.U.  E.R.  Trauma:

Open Heart Surgery:
Organ Transplants:
Cardiac Pacemakers Implants:
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators:

Non-Hospital Affiliations:

Burgio Enterprises, Ltd. Medical Research:
Home Infusion Therapy, Corp. Cancer Therapy:

Authored: Four Medical Text Book. Three Medical Papers. Published:

Manual for Rehabilitation of Chronic Pulmonary Disease:
Manual for Rehabilitation of Chronic Cardiac Disease:
Training Manual for Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation:
Nursing Manual. Policies and Procedures for High Risk Patients:

Medical Papers: Published:

Paper. Manipulation Under Anesthesia. The Research Protocol:
Paper. Manipulation Under Anesthesia and Joint Manipulation Under Anesthesia.
Paper. Disc Desiccation of Causal Relationship to Age vs. Low Impact Trauma:
Paper. Re-Starting the Heart after Open Heart Surgery:
Agreement. Burgio Consultation Agreement:
Agreement. Burgio License Agreement:
3rd Party Licensee Agreement:
 Quadruple Blind Study Methodology                                                                                                                  

Contributor, Surgical Procedure for Implanting Cardiac A/V Sequential Pacemaker,

Authored the following Medical Books and Research Papers have been granted a Federal Copyrights. Meeting the standards for placement in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC.

Twenty Steven Federal Copyrights:                                                                                                                 

Title:                                                                     Date Issued:                      I. D. Number:

Burgio Consultation Agreement:                          4-18-1997:                    Txu-797-631:

Manual for Rehabilitation of Chronic                  5-25-1980:                    Txu-370-429:
Pulmonary Disease:

Manual for Rehabilitation of Chronic                  5-25-1989:                    Txu-374-215:
Cardiac Disease:                                                                 

Training Manual for Cardiac and                        6-28-1989:                    Txu-375-776:
Pulmonary Rehabilitation:                                                                 
Burgio License Agreement:                                 8-06-1998:                    Txu-878-255:

Disc Desiccation in low Impact                          8-07-2001                      Txu1-093-757:
Injury in Young Trauma Victims:

Nursing Manual, Policies                                   9-22-2003:                     Txu-121-460:
and Procedures:                                                                   
Manipulation Under Anesthesia                         6-01-2004:                     Txu1-184-316:
Research Protocol:                                                            

Disc Desiccation of Causal                                  6-18-2004:                    Txu1-183-953:
Relationship to Age vs. Low
Impact Trauma: Medical Paper:

Burgio Employment Agreement:                          4-11-2005:                   TXu1-233-430:

Manipulation Under Anesthesia                          11-18-2005:                  TXu1-272-227:
And Joint Manipulation Under
Anesthesia: The Procedure: 

Re-Starting the Heart after
Open Heart Surgery:                                            12-23-2013:                  TXu1-922-953:

Consultation Agreement Update                         05-19-2015                    TXu 1-985-616

3rd Party Licensee Agreement:                             2-16-2016

Quadruple Blind Study Methodology                  2-16-2016

Medical Research Programing Codes:               2-12-2016

  1. Graft & Flow Chart Details:                  2-12-2016
  2. Program, Source Codes:                        2-12-2016
  3. Command, Source Codes                        2-12-2016
  4. Credentialing, Source Codes:                2-12-2016
  5. Logs, Source Codes:                              2-12-2016
  6. 3,000 pages’ codes single space:

System Codes Eliminate                                    2-29-2016
Pop-Ups from Hackers:

Research Mythology:                                          4-14-2016

Diagnosing Non-Symptomatic                           4-14-2016
Program/Patient Data Entry:                            4-14-2016
Statistical Data Entry:                                       4-14-2016
Graphic Illustrations:                                        4-14-2016
Codes                                                                 4-14-2016                                                                   

 Two (2) Patents:

Computerized Research:                                      04-07-2015:                    Reg. 1468389:

Research World Wide:                                         04-07-2015:                   Reg. 1468373:

One (1) Trade-Mark:
Incentivized Medical Research:                           03-17-2015:                   Reg. 4705609:

Electrophysiology of the senatorial node:                                             

Studies at the Electrophysiology Labs:

 University of Pennsylvania Hospital and Graduate Hospital in the Electrophysiology Laboratories. Developed a new procedure to re-start the heart after open-heart surgery. Lectured on incorporating the procedures to the open-heart surgical team at major medical centers throughout. North, South America and in Europe.
Invited into Membership: Marquis:

A Fellow in Good Standing: 2004 through 2017:

Who’s Who in America:

Who’s Who in the World:

Who’s Who in Science and Healthcare:

Who’s Who in Medicine:

Who’s Who in Science and Engineering:

The International Biographical Center, Cambridge England:
*2000 Outstanding Scientists of 2010 and 2011:

American Biographical Institute: World Form, University of Cambridge, England:
*Man of The Year in Medicine and Healthcare, 2010:

The International Biological Ctr., Cambridge England:
*Diplomat of Achievement, in Honor of Outstanding Contribution to Cardiac Disease, 2010.

American Biographical Institute: World Form, University of Cambridge, England:
*Man of the Year in Cardiac Surgery, 2014.  

 Michael Burgio Medical Research